Wednesday, June 15, 2011

10 in 10 - Mission Accomplished! (Kind of)

Roughly 10 weeks ago I started a diet. The goal was to lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks. A pound a week should be pretty easy right?

From the start I knew I wouldn't have the time or discipline to workout consistently enough to see results so I had to be diligent with counting calories. I hear now that is the hard way to do it.

Anyways, I downloaded an app on my blackberry called 'MyFitnessplan' to help me out. Nearly every day, I kept track of what I ate using the MyFitnessPlan app. Based on my starting weight and my goal, I was only allowed to eat 1,700 calories a day. 1,70o calories!! I can do that in one meal EASY. I can do 2,000 calories in 10 minutes. Not kidding.

So I weighed myself once a week every Monday morning. My starting weight 187. Friends that haven't seen me in awhile would be shocked to hear that I was 187 (actually hit 200 a few years ago). For most of my life though (High school to about 6 years ago) I weighed 155 and was trying to gain weight.

I jumped out the gates fast! After week one I was down to 185.4. This is going to be easy!

Week 2 - 184.8

Week 3 - 183.0 I'm on a roll 4 lbs in 3 weeks.

Week 4 - 183.2 Screeeeeeeeeeeeech!! What the hell? This would be a good time to point out that my scale is not always accurate. I can weigh in twice within seconds and come up with two very different results. I'm thinking it wasn't accurate in week 3.

Week 5 - 182.2 Back on track!

Week 6 - 181.4

Week 7 - 179.2

Week 8, 9, 10 - ?

What happened you ask? I stopped losing weight!! I got so frustrated, I stopped keeping track.

Actually I was still losing weight, just very slow. I think I hovered around 179 in weeks 8 and 9 and I got down to 178 by the end of week 10.
I didn't complete the mission in 10 weeks, but I didn't give up and 5 days later I weighed in at 176.8. Sweet!

Mission Accomplished!

Even though the goal was to get down to 177, my real goal was just to get down to 180. That may be why the weight lose slowed down when I got under 180. Lost the motivation.

Now that I'm under 180, I kind of want to try for 175. 5 in 5 starts next Monday!! (I will have gained 3 lbs by next Monday because I've been eating like a pig).


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