Saturday, May 29, 2010

Crowne Plaza

Last week I attended day 2 of the Crown Plaza Invitational at the Colonial in Fort Worth. This was the first time I attended a professional golf tournament and it definitely will not be the last. I had a great time. I didn't stay very long though because it was very hot and I forgot my sunscreen. I know what you're thinking. Tony, black people don't need sunscreen.

1. Yes, we do! I burn on my arms and nose.

2. I'm half white.

Anyway, I got to see the best golfers in the world up close. Very close! At one point I was so close I could have reached out and touched Phil Mickelson's man boobs if I wanted to. I didn't want to.

The night before the tournament I tweeted Y.E. Yang (local Pro Golfer) telling him to look out for a 'brotha with a blue shirt on' and to give me a 'head nod'. Surprisingly, he responded "I'll try, but no promises". Cool! Don't get me wrong, I'm not the kind of person who gets 'Star Struck'. My heart doesn't start racing and I don't break out the pen and pad for autographs when I see a celeb or big athlete. I just like to say "what's up" and maybe brag about my encounter on twitter and facebook later. I've met Dan Marino, Sugar Ray Leonard, Danny Glover, Ben Stein (cool as hell), and a bunch of other athletes (Apolo Ohno is tiny). No big deal.
Back to Y.E. Yang. So, I'm at the 10th and after he hits his tee shot he starts walking to his next shot and looks right at me. I feel it. He's about to give me the head nod. Then he looks to my left. I follow his eyes and there's another black guy with a blue shirt on! What the hell? Y.E. doesn't make any expression and keeps walking to his ball. I thought I'd give it another shot and started walking to the next hole. The other blue shirt black guy followed me! "Why are you following me man? I understand there is strength in numbers, but we do not always have to stick together. I do not feel threatened with the 99 to 1 white to black ratio here. Back off a little please." I said this in my head of course. I see this often though. In large crowds different races voluntarily segregate themselves. I also see where it is not so voluntary.....

Like in Theater.

Everyone knows the stereotype 'blacks are always late'. As an African American male I am here to confirm this stereotype is 97% TRUE. The only reason I say 97% is because I am never late, so I'm guessing there has to be others out there like me. Haven't met them yet, but surely they must exist. So the next time you're in a theater survey the landscape of the audience and pay very close attention right around the time the lights go out and the previews start. This is when my brothas and sistas show up. And because they are late, they all end up in the same area of the auditorium; the very undesirable first two rows right in front of the screen where you can't see anything because it is too close.

How the hell did this blog go from watching a PGA tournament to segregation in movie theaters?
I'm losing it.

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