Friday, February 26, 2010


I can tell by my girlfriends' face after she reads my blogs that she is wondering why I don't talk about her more. In order to avoid sleeping on the couch, I will do that in this blog. But first...I have some other things to get to.

Minutes after posting my last blog, I received my new golf bag. (Amazon pulled through!) I didn't need a new bag, but there is a reason for the purchase. A few months ago I was at a sporting goods store in the golf section looking at some iron sets. The Calloways and Adams sets were cool, but I fell in love with the Mizunos. I don't remember the model. I only remember that when I picked them up, they felt right. I decided then, my next set of clubs will be Mizunos. I don't, however, feel like I'm good enough yet to own them. So, I set a goal for myself. Once I am able to hit under 100, I will get myself a new set of Mizuno irons. For motivation, I bought a Mizuno golf bag to remind me of the task. I'll get there this summer.

To help me accomplish this goal, I have a new Golf Instructor. I had an instructor early last year, but I didn't get much from him. He was trying to teach me his 'specialty' swing. I think he called it the 'tornado' or 'hurricane'.... Or maybe it was the 'tsunami'. I don't remember. All I do remember is that I was not progressing at all. (Was is called the 'twister"?) Anyways, late last year I switched to Stacy Mapel a certified PGA Instructor. After only one lesson with Stacy I was swinging better than the 3 hours of lessons with the previous guy. Stacy is great! He tapes my swings at the end of the lesson with a high speed camera so I can watch it at home later and compare it to my previous lessons or pro golfer's swings. When I go a long stretch without a lesson, I can catch up pretty quick just by watching the last lesson video and listening to the commentary. Anyway, if you live in Dallas/Fort Worth area I highly recommend contacting Stacy for lessons at You won't regret it. I have no doubts he will help me start hitting in the 90's.

If my road to hitting under 100 is too boooring for you, follow pro golfer John Raser on his journey to the PGA Tour. John is fun to follow on twitter (@johnraser) and he has an interesting website and blog ( Holla! If anything, read his February 19th blog and see if you can contribute in any way.

Alright, That was too much golf for one blog. There was something else I was supposed to talk about. My diet! My diet is temporarily on hold because my mom is in town. I can't say no to real German cooking right? I've consumed more carbs and sugar in the past 3 days than I did all of February. I'll have to start making up for that starting this Sunday. My weight goal is in sight.

There was one other thing I was supposed to talk about. Oh well, guess I'll get to it next time.


P.S. Sleeping on the couch isn't that bad. :-(


  1. Thanks for the mention, Tony. *chest bump* :)

  2. Lemme know how this works out for ya with the gf ....lmao!!!!

  3. ummm, how's the couch? ~heidi

  4. I sweet-talked my way back into the bedroom. You know how I do.
