Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bitch Blog #1 (Everything Happens for a Reason)

I am not a big complainer. In fact, people who complain often annoy me. There is, however, something therapeutic about getting 'frustrations' off your chest every once in awhile.

So, I thought I'd start a series of blogs where I whine a little. For therapeutic purposes of course.

I want to start off with the most annoying cliche I can think of.

"Everything Happens for a reason"

I hate it when people say this. Hate!

I do understand that yes everything does happen for a reason, but I look at it more from a scientific 'Cause and Effect' point of view. That is not how the quote is used though. Most people use this annoying cliche as an excuse for failure, disappointment, or pain or to try to make you feel better after some kind of negative event. The most popular situation when this phrase is used is when there is a big breakup. You know how it goes.

Girl crying: Johnny broke up with me!

Friend of girl crying: Don't worry girl. Everything happens for a reason. You'll find someone better.

Annoying! Real Reason? You've let yourself go. He found a better looking chick. You nag too much.

Recently a top level potential star rookie pitcher tore his elbow tendon during a game which will sideline him for up to 18 months and could end his career. His response "Everything happens for a reason."

Yuck! Real Reason? You didn't stretch properly. You don't have good pitching technique. You have a weak body.

I know many will say God creates these crises to 'test' you. I just don't believe God does that. I'm not here to start a religious debate though so I'll move on.

To get back at the people that annoy me by saying "Everything Happens for a Reason", I'm going to start using other situations.

Potential future conversations:

1. Where's Princess

Phone Rings

Me: Hello?

Friend: Oh my goodness. I can't believe it. (sobbing)

Me: What happened?

Friend: Princess. She's dead.(sobbing)

Me: How? What happened?

Friend: (Still sobbing) She was sleeping behind my car. I didn't see her and ran over her. How am I going to tell my daughter I killed her dog.

Me: Sorry to hear about that, but EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON! Guess you weren't meant to have that dog. Need a ride to the pet store?

2. The Factory

Coworker: (Screaming in agony) Aaargh!

Me: 911? A co-worker's leg just got caught in an assembly machine. It's cutting his leg off. Please hurry!

Co-Worker: Aaarrgh!!

Me: Hang in there buddy.

911: An emergency vehicle is on its way. Is he responsive?

Me: How you holding up John? His other leg is now gone too!

John: Aarrgh!!

Me: It's alright man. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON! This was probably meant to happen to put pressure on the execs to build better wheelchair access. You're a hero buddy!

Factory manager: Tony. Weren't you supposed to be on the assembly machine today?

Me: Yeah, but I was running late this morning. Had to take a friend to the pet store.